By Hard water innovations
Ice Hopper Slammer (IHS) solid graphite blanks are the same dimensions as our solid glass blank designs that we have been using in our Ice Slammer Rod series for several years. But these solid carbon versions of our IHS blanks are super stiff. If you want insane deep water feel and lip ripping power, these blanks are for you. All IHS blanks are known for extra fast tapers and tons of back bone. If you prefer moderate to slow tapers and soft actions, you will probably prefer our Extreme Taper series.
We hope you enjoy this amazing series of ice rod blanks! There is a blank for every ice fishing application from ultra light panfish to heavy action walleye!
If you prefer a softer feel and but still want extra backbone in your blanks, check out our IHS solid fiberglass blanks.
Due to crazy increases in shipping costs for "longer" packages, we have increased flat rate shipping for rods and rod blanks to $14.99. You can save shipping if you order 8 or more blanks/rods and get lower rate of $9.99. IHS BLANKS (tip dia x butt dia x length)
- 24"L 0.70mm x 4.5mm x 600mm
- 26"M 0.85mm x 5.0mm x 650mm
- 28"M 1.00mm x 5.0mm x 695mm
- 30"MH 1.20mm x 5.0mm x 745mm
- 32"H 1.40mm x 5.5mm x 795mm